Home » Poets & Their Processes

Penelope Shuttle: Some Thoughts on the Long Poem as an Extended Sequence

I like to both write and read very brief poems where image and idea combine in an instantaneous cleansing of perception.  There is a vitality and resonance about working in … Continue reading »

Ian Duhig: ‘Machines’ Parts

The first thing I want to do is bear witness to the value of the Long Poem Magazine’s mission; I found working on a larger scale liberating and productive, but … Continue reading »

Timothy Adès: How Do I Do It? – Translating & Writing Poetry

I’ve no idea how I do it – the words come from somewhere. From the Muse – that’s as good an answer as any. I start and, mostly, I go … Continue reading »

Mark Goodwin: Magishun & Shadows

I’m afraid that as I begin to think about putting into prose how a poem was made the whole process seems to slip away into the shadows . . .  … Continue reading »

Susan Watson: A Confrontation and a Conversation – Miriam Leivers Reads ‘Middlemarch’

I came upon Anne Carson’s long poem ‘The Glass Essay’ by accident, while browsing in a second-hand bookshop. ‘The Glass Essay’ is a narrative in which a nameless ‘I’ records … Continue reading »