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LPM is recognised as a place to encounter the best of traditional and innovative new writing, with a prestigious and growing list of contributors.

LPM is invaluable in that it offers a unique home to poets who write at greater length but, more importantly, in that it publishes inspiring work of such high quality. What would poets do without it?

– Mimi Khalvati

Founded in 2008 by Anna Robinson, LPM grew out of a long poem workshop run by Mimi Khalvati. The magazine is published bi-annually with launches at the Barbican Library in London. Since its inception we have striven to publish an equal number of women and men and to foster a sense of community and engagement across languages, cultures and countries. We are keen to promote diversity of form and content: we are interested in both the traditional and the innovative, and aim to represent a diverse range of poets and poetic styles. We have published translations from more than 10 languages and hosted bi-lingual readings at our popular launches.

Over the last thirteen years we have published a rich selection of poems, including collaborative works between George Szirtes and Carol Watts, and between Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese and Scott Thurston. In issue five we paid tribute to the late Edwin Morgan and held a special reading of his previously unpublished poem, ‘Gilgamesh’, at the Glasgow Centre for Contemporary Art, hosted by the Scottish Association of Writers. We have published poems by Peter Riley, Yang Lian, Adnan al-Sayegh, Penelope Shuttle, Caroline Bergvall, Geraldine Monk, Robert Minhinnick and Elizabeth Bletsoe,to name but a few. Each issue features an essay on an aspect of the long poem, such as Lucy Sheerman on Lyn Hejinian,  Vahni Capildeo, on long poems and living contexts, Robert Vas Dias on Paul Blackburn, Ian Brinton on John Riley and . We publish online reviews of books containing mainly long poems and we welcome suggestions for essays and reviews. See also our online feature is ‘Poets &Their Processes’ where poets delve further into how theygo about their writing.

Visit the submissions page to for details of how to contribute or the shop to buy issues and subscribe.

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Who we are

EDITOR: Linda Black is a poet, a visual artist ( printmaker, collagist, painter) and a dyslexia specialist.  Her fifth  collection, Then  (Shearsman 2021) combines both verse and prose poems. Previous Shearsman collections are Slant  (2016) and prose poem collections Root and Inventory . The Son of a Shoemaker  (Hearing Eye, 2012), collaged prose poems based on the early life life of Hans Christian Andersen and illustrated by the author, was the subject of a 2013 Poetry Society exhibition. The beating of wings (Hearing Eye 2006 ) was the Poetry Book Society Pamphlet Choice in spring 2007, when she also received an Arts Council Writer’s Award. She won the 2006 New Writing Ventures Award for Poetry and received the 2004/5 Poetry School Scholarship. Her poems have appeared in many journals, most recently Stand , Shearsman, Scintilla, Poetry Wales, and online at Fortnightly Review, Blackbox Manifold and Molly Bloom, as well as in Prose Poetry, An Introduction (Princeton University Press 2020), Prototype 2 Anthology  (Prototype Publishing 2020) and The Valley Press Anthology Of Prose Poetry  (2019). A selection of artwork and poems can be seen at #10 – The Gallery – petrichor (petrichormag.com)Linda Black — Tentacular (tentacularmag.com), Poem Brut #37 – Borne Coloring Found – 3:AM Magazine . Her website is at Home | Linda Black

DEPUTY EDITOR: Claire Crowther’s poems and reviews have appeared in journals including London Review of Books, New Statesman, PN Review, Poetry Review, Poetry Wales, Shearsman, The Times Literary Supplement and also online at Long Poem MagazineBlackbox Manifold and Molly Bloom. As an undergraduate at Manchester University, she won the Shakespeare Scholarship and the George Gissing Memorial Prize in English Literature. She was awarded a bursary by Kingston University to complete her second book. Claire Crowther was poet in residence at the Royal Mint Museum during 2014-2015. Her resulting pamphlet Bare George was published in June 2016. She has published five pamphlets and four full collections. Stretch of Closures was shortlisted for the Aldeburgh Best First Collection prize. Her current collection, Solar Cruise, was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation for Spring 2020.


Magazine design: Martin Parker  www.silbercow.co.uk



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Long Poem Magazine
20 Spencer Rise

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